TNC Youth - Ground Breakers

Vitebsk, Belarus. Famous Landmark Is Assumption Cathedral Church

TNC Youth - Ground Breakers

(Faith-Focused Family Living)

Lead : Sami Muyisa

The Youth Department at TNC envisions a vibrant and inclusive ministry for teens in grades 6-12. Our vision is to provide a space where young individuals can experience spiritual growth, intellectual development, and physical well-being. Through engaging activities and a welcoming community, we aspire to inspire responsibility, foster friendships, and create a holistic environment that supports the journey of each youth. At TNC, we believe in the significance of establishing a strong foundation in the lives of young Christian youth. Recognizing that a solid base is fundamental to their spiritual growth straightens their relationship with God.

Man in the church

We seek to spread love, kindness, and understanding, following the teachings of Jesus Christ.


240 Home Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3G 1X3 Canada